Safety and security for passengers is top priority. At the start of the cruise all guest and staff are required to practice a ‘muster’ drill to be familiar with what to do in an unlikely emergency event. Muster locations are on the door of your stateroom and usually on your guest card (cruise card). Familiarize yourself with where lifejackets are kept in your staterooms.
Some helpful hints to keeping safe at ports:
Before your cruise do some research on typical crime around the areas you will be visiting.
Have a copy of times you MUST be back to the ship and times of last tendering.
Make sure you have ship emergency contact information which might be needed in an unlikely event.
Do not take offers from people on the street, some people try to sell you things or offer to take you in a taxi to go sight seeing. These people are not safe, this particularly happens around Fiji.
Keep your belongings close at all times and bags zipped up.
Keep valuables close by or safely in bag.
Do not feel obliged to buy wooden products from strangers, there are laws regarding taking wooden products back into Australia.
Book shore tours with other guests from the same ship, the more people, the safer the tour.